Friday, March 28, 2008


Profile. Love it.

Yesterday as I unloaded groceries the boys were playing in and around the car. Mason ended up in the driver's seat while Carter rambled around inside and out. While he was manuevering the doors open and closed he informed me that they were busy, on their way to a meeting at Chuck E. Cheese and that they'd talk to me later. All this time with them and I have no clue what they're doing as a side job.

**Please also notice the chalkings on the walls of our porch. I told them one time to go out and use the chalk for fun. Minutes later I walk out to see their work and, of course, they use the wall. What was I thinking? Thanks for the chalk, Aunt Jess. :)


Sharon M said...

I love this kind of play! Julian has taken to carrying around one of his books w/ a handle (his "briefcase") and insisting that he has a very important meeting to go to. And that "Elmer's Friends" book you got for him? It's his laptop.

Jess said...

I want to have a business meeting at Chuck E Cheese!

What a precious picture. I love his profile! :) And Aunt Jess says you're welcome for the chalk, sorry it created such a mess! Luckily it can easily be washed off if needed!

Meg Wingfield said...

miss you. wish i had more of you in my life. we talk about y'all all the time. need to know where you got the cool design at the top of your blog. thinking i may upgrade. want to be cool like you. mace is great. wish i could kiss his face.
love to u,