Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm trying, Daddy...

Erik: Did you have fun with Stella today, Carter? She's a great new friend, isn't she?

Carter: Yeah... but she doesn't share.

Erik: Carter, she does share. She shared her (Daddy's) Sprite with you.

Carter: Yeah...

Erik: And sometimes you have a hard time sharing, too, don't you?

Carter: Yeah, but I'm still growing and that's why I'm concerned... because making mistakes is how you learn...

Erik: Are you just saying that or are you really learning from your mistakes?

Carter: (Pause) I'm trying, Daddy...

Erik: I know you are and I'm so proud of you.


Sharon M said...

Wow, are you sure he only just turned four?

Jess said...

Um. Pause, anyone? :)

Magen Quiroz said...

hey allison,
it's magen... thanks for the comments the other day... it was a nice surprise to hear from you... yes you can come live with us if you enjoy doing laundry and dishes! :)
the wristlets are roughly 9 inches long and 4 inches deep... i can make them in any size though... i'm selling them for 15 each... let me know if you have anything in mind.

your boys are awesome...