Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Last night, after watching two episodes of Arrested Development (never seen it? We might consider loaning it to you if you're really nice to us...), Erik and I turned off the light, rolled over and readied for some sleep. Just as I close my eyes, Mason started crying. This is not a new phenomenon for him, waking in the middle of the night, and needing a bit of help going back to sleep.

This time we just laid there and laughed at his impeccable timing. We decided to just let him ride this one out and try to settle himself (I mean, he IS 20 months old!) After about 10 minutes we were feeling bad for him and really wanting to relax ourselves, so I rolled out of bed to get him and sit with him on the couch for a few minutes, which is our new routine for helping him settle. For some reason he does not want to stay in his room and sit in the rocking chair. We HAVE to be on the couch.

I climb out of bed and make my way for the bedroom door when... he stops crying. Impeccable timing. I stood there frozen in our bedroom, not wanting to stir him by my toe scratching the carpet. Then I turn my head and Erik and I say to each other: HOW. DOES. HE. DO. IT?


Jess said...

LOL :)

Sharon M said...

Oh, those kids know how to drive us crazy sometimes! I'm glad he went back to sleep :-)

Anonymous said...

Haha. Gotta love it. That is why Lisa and I will just stick with our cat for a while longer. Although I will be an uncle by October!!

BTW...20 months old? How old is too old to stop counting in months. I was talking to a woman yesteday who said her son was 32months old!

Sharon M said...

Brett -- I would say once they hit 2, you can stop. They just change so much in those first two years, every month is a developmental milestone. Saying your kid is "32 months" does seem a little over the top.

Those Dandy Dillards said...

I can totally relate - I've done the EXACT same thing. Ahhh - they are amazing!

Those Dandy Dillards said...

Oh - and we are BIG fans of Arrested Development ourselves. Good stuff!