Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I just can't get enough of Carter when he's sleeping. Here are two recent naps. In the first I was trying to get a shot of his grimy fingernails and didn't quite succeed. The second was taken after he protested a nap, watched a bit of a movie and crashed on our bed. Mason is equally precious when asleep, but, unlike Carter, he will wake at the slightest hint of someone else breathing while in his presence. Carter is a locomotion sleeper -- he can sleep while a train chugs through his room.

*** Taken today, when I went in to wake Carter. When I asked him why he slept on the floor he said, "Because I wanted to." Oh. Of course.


Anonymous said...


(And your carpet looks so clean!)
:) SB

Jess said...

Love the newest addition! :) That's SO Carter.

Sharon M said...

Carter, I wish my kids could sleep like you.