Thursday, February 15, 2007

He's the Boss

Two nights ago Erik and Carter were playing soccer in the house. Before they could play, Carter insisted that Erik take his hands out of his pockets, take off his glasses, put his shoes on, wear his sweater, stand in the right place and not kick the ball; only Carter could kick (!?). It took about three minutes for him to convey the importance of each of these tasks, for Erik to understand the command and finally follow through. By the time Erik was all situated, Carter had lost interest... go figure. :)


amelia said...

Hmmmm...can you say "I am trying to grasp an understanding of how I can control the world around me"?

Ewan does that all the time. He has a very particular agenda in mind and I have to let my own ideas of how I think we should play take a backseat to his "creativity". I think it is a great moment when they get special ideas and then learn how to communicate them--even if it makes no sense to us!

Lancaster Gardener said...

It's not just Carter... I try to do that in our B2 seminars with Erik.. He still doesn't get these tasks, does he? :0)